Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited

Circulating water treatment is inseparable from sodium dichloroisocyanurate

Human daily life cannot be separated from water, and industrial production is also inseparable from water. With the development of industrial production, water consumption is increasing, and many areas have experienced insufficient water supply. Therefore, rational and conservation of water has become an important issue in the development of industrial production.

Industrial water mainly includes boiler water, process water, cleaning water, cooling water, sewage, etc. Among them, the largest water consumption is cooling water, which accounts for more than 90% of industrial water consumption. Different industrial systems and different uses have different requirements for water quality; however, the cooling water used by various industrial sectors has basically the same water quality requirements, which makes cooling water quality control gain rapidly as an applied technology in recent years. development of. In factories, cooling water is mainly used to condense steam and cool products or equipment. If the cooling effect is poor, it will affect production efficiency, reduce product yield and product quality, and even cause production accidents.

Water is an ideal cooling medium. Because the existence of water is very common, compared with other liquids, water has a large heat capacity or specific heat, and the latent heat of vaporization (latent heat of evaporation) and latent heat of fusion of water are also high. Specific heat is the amount of heat absorbed by a unit mass of water when its temperature rises one degree. The commonly used unit is cal/gram? Degree (Celsius) or British thermal unit (B.T.U.)/pound (Fahrenheit). When the specific heat of water is expressed in these two units, the values are the same. Substances with large heat capacity or specific heat need to absorb a large amount of heat when raising the temperature, but the temperature itself does not rise significantly. The factor steam needs to absorb nearly 10,000 calories of heat, so water can absorb a large amount of heat when evaporating, thus Lowering the water temperature, this process of removing heat by evaporating water is called evaporative heat dissipation.

Like water, air is a commonly used cooling medium. The thermal conductivity of water and air is poor. At 0°C, the thermal conductivity of water is 0.49 kcal/m? Hour?·℃, the thermal conductivity of air is 0.021 kcal/meter· Hour·℃, but compared with air, the thermal conductivity of water is about 24 times higher than that of air. Therefore, when the cooling effect is the same, water-cooled equipment is much smaller than air-cooled equipment. Large industrial enterprises and factories with large water consumption generally use water cooling. Commonly used water cooling systems can be divided into three categories, namely direct flow systems, closed systems and open evaporation systems. The latter two cooling water are recycled, so they are also called circulating cooling water systems.

It is recommended to use the green water treatment agent Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate for circulating water treatment, which can powerfully kill bacterial spores, bacterial propagules, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. It has a special effect on hepatitis viruses, killing them quickly and powerfully. Inhibit blue-green algae, red algae, seaweed and other algae plants in circulating water, cooling towers, pools and other systems. It has a complete killing effect on sulfate reducing bacteria, iron bacteria, fungi, etc. in the circulating water system.


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  • Post time: Nov-01-2023

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